Hampton Court Rescue Campaign

 Decision Notice

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The "Grant of Planning Permission" by Elmbridge Council is subject to a number of conditions, all of which must be satisfied.

The full document describing these conditions is available as a PDF file by clicking here.

Planning permission was granted on 27 June 2008 subject to work commencing within three years and subject to the following requirements:

  1. Work must commence within three years
  2. All development must be in strict accordance with the 48 plans submitted
  3. Material samples must be approved before work commences
  4. Surface materials must be approved before work commences
  5. Floorslab height must be approved on two defined occassions
  6. Hard and soft landscaping work must be approved before work commences
  7. Landscaping must be implemented strictly as approved
  8. A landscape management plan must be approved before work commences
  9. Trees and hedges must be retained and protected as approved
  10. Screen walls, fences and planting must be approved before work commences
  11. Lighting must be approved before the development is first brought into use
  12. No light must spill into the surroundings, particularly the Thames
  13. The protection of the listed Hampton Court Bridge structure must be approved before work commences
  14. The planned renovation of the station building must be approved before work commences
  15. The proposed new access for cars and pedestrians must be approved before occupation
  16. No new development shall be occupied before approved spaces for parking and turning have been laid out
  17. A method of construction must be approved before any work commences
  18. A travel plan must be approved before any work commences
  19. No part of the development shall be occupied until a public transport and cycle plan has been approved
  20. A safe exit route from the flood plain must be approved before any work commences
  21. Flood prevention shall be for the 1 in 100 years plus 20% flood level
  22. Basement entrances must allow for wave action above the flood level on all sides
  23. A surface water drainage scheme must be approved before any work commences
  24. The design and location of any green roofs must be approved before building commences
  25. A landscape management plan must be approved before any work commences
  26. An eight metre wide buffer zone must be established before any work commences
  27. An ecological mitigation and environment management plan must be approved before any work commences
  28. No infiltration of surface water drainage into the ground is permitted with written consent
  29. Piling using penetrative methods is not permitted with written consent
  30. IF any contamination is detected development must stop until written approval is received
  31. Drainage plans for the movement of groundwater shall be submitted
  32. Noises from commercial premises (1), the noise climate shall be protected
  33. Noise from commercial premises (2) for low frequency noise shall show no increase
  34. A vibration impact assessment shall be completed before development starts
  35. Noise A3, A4, and A5 use shall be constrained
  36. A detailed sound insulation scheme shall be submitted before use commences
  37. No amplified music shall be played outside commerical premises with dwelling above
  38. No amplified music shall be played within commercial premises with dwelling sabove between midnight and 9.00am
  39. No deliveries and collections to commercial properties shall be made outside the hours 7.00am to 23.00
  40. Plant, machinery or equipment noise shall be 5dB or 10dB below the existing background level
  41. No odour or fumes control may be detectable at or beyond the boundary od designated premises
  42. A detailed sound insulation plan for residential properties must be approved before use
  43. A noise adaptive public address systems must be installed at hampton Court station
  44. A site investigation, method statement and remediation must be complete before development starts
  45. A full asbestos survey must be completed before demolition of any exisitng buildings
  46. The method of asbestos removal must be submitted before demolition
  47. No burning shall take place during development and all waste material must be disposed of
  48. During construction all vehicles are limited to 5mph and unnecessary idling must be avoided
  49. The design of windows must be approved before development starts
  50. The design of a passive ventilation system must be approved before development starts
  51. A method statement for the control of air pollutants must be submitted before development starts
  52. A drainage system must be approved before development starts
  53. An impact study of the exisitng water supply infrastructure must be approved before development starts
  54. No development may start until the implementation of a programme of archaeological work has been secured
  55. It must be shown that 10% of the energy requirements comes from renewable energy before development starts
  56. Details of drop off facilities and disabled parking must be approved before any part of the scheme is occupied