The "Grant of Planning Permission" by
Elmbridge Council is subject to a number of
conditions, all of which must be satisfied.
The full document describing these conditions
is available as a PDF file by
clicking here.
Planning permission was granted on 27 June 2008
subject to work commencing within three years
and subject to the following requirements:
- Work must commence within three years
- All development must be in strict
accordance with the 48 plans submitted
- Material samples must be approved before
work commences
- Surface materials must be approved
before work commences
- Floorslab height must be approved on two
defined occassions
- Hard and soft landscaping work must be
approved before work commences
- Landscaping must be implemented strictly
as approved
- A landscape management plan must be
approved before work commences
- Trees and hedges must be retained and
protected as approved
- Screen walls, fences and planting must
be approved before work commences
- Lighting must be approved before the
development is first brought into use
- No light must spill into the
surroundings, particularly the Thames
- The protection of the listed Hampton
Court Bridge structure must be approved
before work commences
- The planned renovation of the station
building must be approved before work
- The proposed new access for cars and
pedestrians must be approved before
- No new development shall be occupied
before approved spaces for parking and
turning have been laid out
- A method of construction must be
approved before any work commences
- A travel plan must be approved before
any work commences
- No part of the development shall be
occupied until a public transport and cycle
plan has been approved
- A safe exit route from the flood plain
must be approved before any work commences
- Flood prevention shall be for the 1 in
100 years plus 20% flood level
- Basement entrances must allow for wave
action above the flood level on all sides
- A surface water drainage scheme must be
approved before any work commences
- The design and location of any green
roofs must be approved before building
- A landscape management plan must be
approved before any work commences
- An eight metre wide buffer zone must be
established before any work commences
- An ecological mitigation and environment
management plan must be approved before any
work commences
- No infiltration of surface water
drainage into the ground is permitted with
written consent
- Piling using penetrative methods is not
permitted with written consent
- IF any contamination is detected
development must stop until written approval
is received
- Drainage plans for the movement of
groundwater shall be submitted
- Noises from commercial premises (1), the
noise climate shall be protected
- Noise from commercial premises (2) for
low frequency noise shall show no increase
- A vibration impact assessment shall be
completed before development starts
- Noise A3, A4, and A5 use shall be
- A detailed sound insulation scheme shall
be submitted before use commences
- No amplified music shall be played
outside commerical premises with dwelling
- No amplified music shall be played
within commercial premises with dwelling
sabove between midnight and 9.00am
- No deliveries and collections to
commercial properties shall be made outside
the hours 7.00am to 23.00
- Plant, machinery or equipment noise
shall be 5dB or 10dB below the existing
background level
- No odour or fumes control may be
detectable at or beyond the boundary od
designated premises
- A detailed sound insulation plan for
residential properties must be approved
before use
- A noise adaptive public address systems
must be installed at hampton Court station
- A site investigation, method statement
and remediation must be complete before
development starts
- A full asbestos survey must be completed
before demolition of any exisitng buildings
- The method of asbestos removal must be
submitted before demolition
- No burning shall take place during
development and all waste material must be
disposed of
- During construction all vehicles are
limited to 5mph and unnecessary idling must
be avoided
- The design of windows must be approved
before development starts
- The design of a passive ventilation
system must be approved before development
- A method statement for the control of
air pollutants must be submitted before
development starts
- A drainage system must be approved
before development starts
- An impact study of the exisitng water
supply infrastructure must be approved
before development starts
- No development may start until the
implementation of a programme of
archaeological work has been secured
- It must be shown that 10% of the energy
requirements comes from renewable energy
before development starts
- Details of drop off facilities and
disabled parking must be approved before any
part of the scheme is occupied