'The historic environment matters to all of
us. It tells us about who we are and where
we have come from. It gives identity to our
villages, towns and cities. It has shaped
the distinctive character of our
These words form part of a foreword in a new
White Paper, presented to Parliament by the
Department of Culture, Media and Sport in March
2007, called 'Heritage Protection for the 21st Century'. The HCRC welcomes the contribution
that this White Paper makes to the protection of
our heritage and historic environment.
The Dept. of Culture, Media and Sport, and in
particular the Secretary of State, Tessa Jowell
MP was informed about the Station redevelopment
issue early on in our campaign. However, we were
asked to appreciate that ours was only one of
many other important national sites at risk or
under threat from the bulldozer. The Department's
response to the HCRC has been referral back to
our local authority, through whom final planning
decisions would be decided. The HCRC emphasized
from the outset, that the decision whether to
allow the go-ahead of the radical development of
the area opposite Hampton Court Palace, was of
national importance and should not merely be
settled at local level. It is hoped that the
White Paper may enable the Government to provide
clearer guidelines that will 'overarch'
local planning protocols.
Now at least the White Paper has offered some
hope to campaign groups such as the HCRC who,
all round the country are fighting their own
battles. English Heritage, the National Trust,
and SAVE have been vocal in their support for
the White Paper but are mindful of the need for
interim protection while the bill becomes law.
World Heritage sites in particular are
recognised and given much coverage within the
White Paper, para 1.3.52
World Heritage Sites are internationally
recognised as having outstanding universal
value. The reforms outlined in the White
Paper will, for the first time, provide a
clear framework for the way in which WHS's
operate alongside other elements of the
heritage protection system. This Review has
also provided the opportunity to consider
whether any additional protections are
required. Our view is that, while in general WHS's are adequately protected, there is a
case for some small changes that will
clarify and, in some cases strengthen,
current protections
Through the Culture Committee, the HCRC has
approached UNESCO to establish whether Hampton
Court Palace would benefit from the protection
of World Heritage Site status and if this would
offer greater safeguards than the present
designation as an Ancient Scheduled Monument.